Train your operators to use pure fluid production equipment

STERIGENE, as a specialist in turnkey installations for the production and distribution of pharmaceutical water and steam, offers training on pure fluids and pure fluid process equipment.


Training for learning the characteristics and properties of pure fluids

Pure fluids (water and steam) are essential elements in pharmaceutical production activities. They allow the production of purified water or pure steam which are then reinjected into your production process equipment: autoclaveswashers and filling machines.

Our pure fluid training instructs on the different characteristics and properties of pure fluids that are necessary for complying with the current standards in the pharmaceutical industry and also to understand the various qualities of water required by the world pharmacopoeias.


Register now for the two courses offered by STERIGENE:


– Properties and contaminants
– Needs in the pharmaceutical industry
Water treatment and purifications
– Distribution lines



– Definition
– Qualification of the steam profile
– Distribution networks and biocontamination


Training courses using pure fluid production process equipment

STERIGENE has a range of process equipment for the production of pure fluids for pharmaceutical activities. This equipment requires qualified operators to comply with the standards of the various world pharmacopoeias.

Accredited as a training organisation, STERIGENE also trains your operators on site to understand, use and maintain pure fluid production equipment : water distillers and pure steam generators, and the characteristics and properties of pure fluid products:


-Different levels of water quality
– Definitions
– Multiple-effect distiller
– Thermo-compression distiller


  • STEAM AND STILMAS PSG (Pure Steam Generator)

– Steam
– Pure steam generator
– Distribution networks


For more information on our pure fluid training and the pure fluid production process equipment training, please contact our Training Manager, Lionel BOUGARD, by email at or by phone on +33 (0)1 34 44 23 23.