Reverse Osmosis

Pure fluids
Simple Osmosis is a natural physical phenomenon that can be summarised as follows:
In two different concentrations of liquids separated by a semipermeable membrane, pure water will pass through the membrane from the less concentrated to the more concentrated liquid ...
L'osmose inverse
Simple Osmosis is a natural physical phenomenon that can be summarised as follows:
In two different concentrations of liquids separated by a semipermeable membrane, pure water will pass through the membrane from the less concentrated to the more concentrated liquid to restore the balance between the two concentrations.

This displacement is equivalent to a pressure called osmotic pressure.
Reverse osmosis is the science of getting pure water from the most concentrated medium to the less concentrated by applying a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure.

How reverse osmosis is performed:

The feed water is prefiltered into a break tank.The circulation pump and the high pressure pump feed the first stage of membranes after final filtration; the number of which will determine the processing capacity.The osmosed water leaves the membranes and is stored in a second break tank.

If the second stage of reverse osmosis is necessary, another system is implemented (pump, filtration, membranes ...) and the second stage concentrate is recovered in the first stage tank, thus saving water and improving the system performance.


Pharmaceutical Industry.


Pure fluids


Qualification / Validation

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Liquid ampoules
PE and PP single dose ampoules


Reverse Osmosis is defined as the simplest, safest and most economical water purification method, for the production of ultrapure water for pharmaceutical laboratories.To date, to produce purified water, over 70% of plants use double osmosis.
The operating characteristics allow 90 to 99% of the dissolved salts to be separated from the raw water during the first stage alone.

The feed water characteristics and pretreatment are fundamental to the operation of the membranes for reverse osmosis. Pretreatment is necessary for:

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  • The removal of particles that can damage membranes,
  • Reducing the possibility of precipitation stagnation,

  • The disposal of free chlorine.

1 = First stage break tank
2 = First stage pump
3 = First stage high pressure pump
4 = Second stage break tank
5 = Second stage break tank
6 = Second stage high pressure pump